Yoko's Present Projects
Submit papers for journals!
It is important to disseminate my research results to society, so I will actively contribute to the journal from now on.
- Must accept at least 3 papers which are first author in a year.
Target journals
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
Study Swiss German! (Zurich dialect)
Switzerland is my second home. I feel comfortable with the Swiss German sounds. I'm sure my previous life was Swiss. Although my face is a typical Asian...
- Be able to have daily conversations with Swiss people.
Learn German before Swiss German. (very hard...)
Return to Switzerland and to meet friends there at least twice a year. (easy!)
Hike in the mountains of Switzerland.
Eat lunch at the Migros restaurant.
Improvement my English to communicate international friends!
Unfortunately I am not very good at English conversation. But I want to talk about various things with my friends all over the world.
- To be able to talk with my friends overseas (without alcohol).
Language study abroad (Hastings, England)
Reading English books (Agatha Christie)
Listening radio English program (NHK Business English)