Yoko's Present Projects

Submit papers for journals!

It is important to disseminate my research results to society, so I will actively contribute to the journal from now on.


Must accept at least 3 papers which are first author in a year.

Target journals

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos

Study Swiss German! (Zurich dialect)

Switzerland is my second home. I feel comfortable with the Swiss German sounds. I'm sure my previous life was Swiss. Although my face is a typical Asian...


Be able to have daily conversations with Swiss people.


Learn German before Swiss German. (very hard...)
Return to Switzerland and to meet friends there at least twice a year. (easy!)
Hike in the mountains of Switzerland.
Eat lunch at the Migros restaurant.

Improvement my English to communicate international friends!

Unfortunately I am not very good at English conversation. But I want to talk about various things with my friends all over the world.


To be able to talk with my friends overseas (without alcohol).


Language study abroad (Hastings, England)
Reading English books (Agatha Christie)
Listening radio English program (NHK Business English)