Yoko's Institute Officer

  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Society

  • Board of Governor member (2021.1 - present)
    WiCAS-YP chair (2021-2022)
    DEI chair (2022 - present)

    Board of Governor, YP (GOLD) member (2013.1 - 2015.12)
    WiCAS-YP chair (2014 - 2015)

  • IEICE Engineering Sciences Society Technical Committee on Nonlinear Problems (NLP)

  • Member (2013.5 - present)

  • IEEE Circuit and Systems Society, Technical Committee on Neural Systems and Applications (NSA)

  • Committee Member (2011.5 - present)
    Secretary (2015.5 - 2017.4)
    Chair Elect (2017.5 - 2019.4)
    Chair (2019.5 - 2021.4)

  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Shikoku Chapter

  • Treasurer (2011.4 - 2015. 3)
    WiCAS-YP chair (2015.4 - 2019.3)
    Secretary (2019.4 - present)

  • Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP) Steering Committee

  • Committee Member (2010.4 - present)

  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems (NCAS)

  • Committee Member (2007.5 - present)