- Professor -

Topic of Interest
- "Chaos in Electrical Circuits"
- Analysis of chaotic phenomena in continuous-time circuits.
- Chaos synchronization and its breakdown.
- Spatio-temporal chaotic phenomena.
- Higher-dimensional chaotic circuits.
- Chaotic phenomena in circuits including transmission line.
- Engineering application of chaos.
- Chaos communication systems.
- Chaos cryptosystems.
- Chaos neural networks.
- "Synchronization in Coupled Oscillatory Circuits"
- Frustration in coupled oscillatory networks.
- Analysis of various kinds of synchronization phenomena.
- Wave propagation of phase states.
- "Development of Analyzing Methods for Nonlinear Circuits"
- SPICE-oriented analyzing method.
- Design of solution-curve tracing circuits.
- Relaxation methods in frequency-domain using circuit partitioning.
- Analyzing method for circuits including distributed parameters.
- "Cellular Neural Networks"
- Image processing using CNN.
- Theory and application of multi-layers CNN.
- Small-world CNN.
- "Neural Network Architecture"
- Affordable neural network.
- Self-organizing map.
- "Evolutionary Computeation"
- Swarm Intelligence.
- Artificial bee colony algorithm.
- "Biosignal Processing"
- Nonlienar analysis of finger pulse signal.
- Scoring methods of human exercise.
Present Projects
- Study and Sports with my students!
Projects in Switzerland
Yoshifumi Nishio received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
Keio University,
Yokohama Japan, in 1988, 1990, and 1993, respectively.
In 1993, he joined
the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Tokushima University,
Tokushima Japan, where he is currently a Professor.
From May 2000 he spent a year in
the Laboratory of Nonlinear Systems (LANOS)
the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
as a Visiting Professor.
He is an adjunct professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University from 2012
and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) from 2019.
His research interests are in the areas of nonlinear circuits engineering,
including analysis and application of chaos in electrical circuits,
analysis of synchronization in coupled oscillatory circuits,
development of analyzing methods for nonlinear circuits,
theory and application of cellular neural networks,
neural network architecture,
complex networks,
evolutionary computation,
and bio-signal processing.
He was the Chair of the IEEE CAS Society Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems (NCAS) during 2004--2005,
the Steering Committee Secretary of the IEICE Research Society of Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA) during 2004--2007,
the Chair of the IEEE CAS Society Shikoku Chapter during 2011-2014,
and a member of the IEEE CAS Society Board of Governors during 2012-2017,
and is currently the Vice President on Regional Activities and Membership of the IEEE CAS Society (from 2018).
He was an Editor of the IEICE Fundamentals Review during 2007--2012 and
an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--I: Regular Papers during 2004--2005,
the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--II: Express Briefs during 2012--2013 and 2016--2019,
the IEEE CAS Magazine during 2008--2009,
and the RISP Journal of Signal Processing during 2005--2012.
He is currently serving as a Secretary for the NOLTA, IEICE (from 2009)
and an Associate Editor for the IEEE CAS Society Newsletter (from 2007)
and International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (from 2015).
He is also a member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications.
He is a senior member of
the IEEE,
and a member of
the IEICE and
the RISP.
